The cost of gluten free mixes for baked goods is higher than
that of their wheat-based counterparts. This irks me, because for those with
celiac disease or gluten intolerance, opting for the less expensive item isn't
an option.
So when I saw this 3-pack of Krusteaz Gluten Free Double
Chocolate Brownie Mix for $7.99 at Costco, I bought it. The video is a review
of this product.
Mixes versus Made from Scratch
The advantage of mixes is that most of the prep work is
already done. All the dry ingredients plus the sugar are in the pouch. You add
an egg, some oil or butter, maybe a little water and stir it all together. Bake.
Cool. Eat.
Making brownies, or any baked good, from scratch is more work.
There are more ingredients, more steps. Less uniformity of measurement and
But you are also familiar with every ingredient in your homemade
goods. There is no unpronounceable element, such as those listed on the side of
the box of the oh-so-easy-to-use mix.
Is one better than the other? If I had the time, I would bake
from scratch more often. But the mixes give me a way of making a dessert
without too much fuss when I just don't have the time or energy to bake.
But What I've Noticed About Mixes
The cooking time for mixes is a real variable. The directions
usually give you a 5-minute spread, and that should be about right. But too
often, to get the middle cooked through, I find I need to cook it a little
longer. My neighbor says the same thing.
This results in crunchy sides, such as those seen in the
video. Cooling time, to, is a variable. As is the type of pan you use, and what
altitude you live at. Maybe mixes aren't less fussy; they're just fussy in a
different way.
It's All About Results
In the video, I make two batches of brownies using the
Krusteaz brownie mix. The first was too gooey, and the second was better, but
the longer cook time meant a hardened crust. Everyone cuts the brownies out
from the middle and leaves a ring of brownie crust around the sides.
At the cost of gluten free pre-packaged foods and mixes, I get
choosy about which company gets my dollars. The results I got from this mix
aren't great, but I have one more pouch to go. Maybe, I'll try something
different. Maybe, third's the charm.