Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Review for Gluten Free Pantry Muffin and Scone Mix

Gluten Free Pantry Muffin and Scone Mix
Gluten Free Pantry is part of the Glutino Food Group, a manufacturing and distribution company with a focus on gluten free products. Recently I purchased a box of Gluten Free Pantry Muffin and Scone Mix.

The directions indicate the user is able to add up to 3/4 cup of dried or fresh fruit, chocolate chips, raisins or whatever one happens to fancy in their muffins.

I opted for orange muffins because I had just picked some fresh oranges off our tree in the back yard. The directions call for 1 cup of milk or any suitable substitute, depending on your own personal allergies or tolerances. I used 3/4 cup of rice milk and 1/4 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice.

The directions also call for 2 eggs, 6 tbs. of butter, and 1 tsp of vanilla. I used my stand mixer to make the batter. I also stirred in the zest of one orange into the batter just before I scooped it into the muffin tin. 

Now, it has been my experience that not all packaged gluten free products produce muffins or brownies or cakes or breads that taste very close to what the wheat-eaters of the world enjoy. They may be pretty good, or not bad at all or they may be really, really awful.

The muffins that came out of the oven using the Gluten Free Pantry Muffin and Scone Mix are really, really good. They are light. They are fluffy. They are moist and bready and all the things I want a muffin to be. Yay!
The average cost of a box of this mix is $4.95, which is fairly expensive considering you also have to add 2 eggs, 6 tbs. of butter, 1 tsp. of vanilla, and 1 cup of milk, as well as your own additional ingredients for fun and flavor.
A dozen muffins with this mix could cost close to a dollar a piece. It's cheaper than a coffee shop, but then try to get a gluten free muffin in a coffee shop.
But the cost isn't too bad when you consider that these 12 muffins are snack, dessert and breakfast for two days for three of us. And because my own muffin recipe doesn't produce muffins this good, the box wins.
These can also be frozen once cooled, and that's a bonus for those who may not go through a dozen muffins in two days time.
Another bonus: Using rice milk and a cholesterol-free butter makes these muffins more heart friendly. Gluten free and guilt free. Can't get better than that
The Gluten Free Pantry Muffin and Scone Mix wins this Contemporary Cook's recommendation.

Attn: If you purchase this product through the linked image in this post, I, the author, may receive a small compensation. Very small.


Anonymous said...

Can you help me? I purchased THIS mix, but it is no longer called "muffin and scone" mix. The box has a different look to it and it is now just "muffin mix", but I really want to make scones! I need to know how the recipe differs. I know it was on the old box like the picture you have shown. Can you share the scone recipe with me?
Can you paste it below and I will check back later?
Thank you!

Shelly McRae said...

Hello. I'm sorry to say I don't remember the recipe for the scones using that mix, and I haven't found a box that includes the scone recipe for some time, so I understand your frustration. You could, though, use the mix as your flour and use a scone recipe - just don't add any leavening: baking powder or baking soda. That's already in the mix. And only add a little sugar, maybe one or two tablespoons, since sugar is also in the mix. You just need the fats and wet ingredients. Just use this mix as your dry ingredients in the recipe. Hope this helps, and please let me know how it turns out for you.